[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 6:55:44pm
[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 7:07:32pm
NY Nana  Feb 13, 2008 • 7:09:02pm


konservo  Feb 13, 2008 • 7:11:13pm
[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 7:19:41pm
[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 7:22:14pm
[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 7:27:22pm
konservo  Feb 13, 2008 • 7:37:53pm


pat  Feb 13, 2008 • 7:41:22pm

There are holy sites in Islam. Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau,……

[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 7:43:55pm
[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 7:53:38pm
[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 7:56:15pm
[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 7:57:43pm
[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:09:15pm
konservo  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:11:36pm


McBain  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:14:18pm


Syrah  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:18:32pm

re: #5 bombirannow

re: #4 konservo

I think Israel should react to the Jihadis and burn the dome of the rock down. It it is on the most holy sight for Jews.

The Mosque of the Dome of the Rock is an abomination.

[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:20:23pm
[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:21:02pm
arier_tzvi  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:27:47pm

The whole Jacob Esau thing is getting old.. Why cant they accept that they gave it up..

[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:29:38pm
konservo  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:36:57pm

re: #10 bombirannow


[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:39:01pm
[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:40:47pm
konservo  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:44:26pm

re: #23


konservo  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:46:50pm
[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:47:16pm
konservo  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:49:11pm


[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:49:39pm
[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 8:51:28pm
konservo  Feb 13, 2008 • 9:12:42pm


konservo  Feb 13, 2008 • 9:17:09pm

re: #29 bombirannow


muman  Feb 13, 2008 • 11:04:06pm

The site of Josephs tomb has been desecrated by the barbarians for many years now. It has bothered me for at least five years. It is hard to bear that our great forefather, whos bones were carried from Egypt during the Exodus to fufill the promise. Why do they do this? Because they are demonstrating their hatred of Hashems people. Should we retaliate, certainly we should. I have very strong feelings concerning this. But we as Jews must remember something, strict judgment must be tempered with Mercy. We cannot act immorally lest the nations ask “Where is their god?”. The solution to this very complex issue requires a lot of Chochma, Wisdom which is not rational. I will implore those who daven {pray} to beseech the Alm-ghty to increase our Binah {Understanding} and as a result strengthen our grasp of Chochma {Wisdom}. Regular tefillah {prayer} , tefillah with kevana {intention}, crying out to the Master of the Universe, strengthening your emmunah {faith}, make a place for Hashem in your heart, and pray for the peace of Yerushalem. May our enemies perish before our eyes: As it is written:

when the wicked bloom like grass and all doers of iniquity blossom - it is destroy them till eternity. But you remain exalted forever, Hashem. For behold! Your enemies, Hashem, for behold! - Your enemies shall perish, dispersed shall all doers of iniquity. As exalted as a re’im shall be my pride, I will be saturated with ever fresh oil. MY EYES HAVE SEEN MY VIGILANT FOES; WHEN THOSE WHO WOULD RISE UP AGAINST ME, MY EARS HAVE HEARD THEIR DOOM Psalm 92

Here is some info about Josephs tomb from Wikipedia:

Since 2000, Israelis are no longer allowed to visit the site, although some pilgrims are at times allowed to enter under armed escort. Despite the ban some Breslov hasidim still visit the site under the cover of darkness evading army and police checkpoints. There had been an incident where some of these pilgrims were attacked and wounded.[1] With this ban and the fears that Palestinian authorities are not sufficiently protecting Jewish and Christian religious sites[5] the shrine has become the source of ongoing frustration and anger amongst Jews.

On February 23, 2003 the carved stone covering the grave was destroyed.[2]

On May, 2007, the Breselov hasidim visited the site for the first time in two years. A gunman attacked his gathering, and Israeli gunmen returned fire.[3][4]

In 2007, it was discovered that the tomb had been vandalised, and filled with burning garbage.[5]

We must do what we must do.

Ma Sands  Feb 13, 2008 • 11:25:19pm

Funny that the Pali Arabs would let Joseph’s remains lie in peace for several thousand years, and only lately care so much about obliterating the historical site…..

[deleted]  Feb 13, 2008 • 11:40:02pm
pat  Feb 14, 2008 • 9:15:50am

Well, now we can all rest. The Muslims just declared Joseph a Muslim.

Ma Sands  Feb 14, 2008 • 9:17:40am


muman  Feb 14, 2008 • 9:45:32am

Tehillim - Chapter 37

1. By David. Do not compete with the wicked; do not envy doers of injustice. 2. For like grass they will be swiftly cut down; like green vegetation they will wither. 3. Trust in the L-rd and do good; then will you abide in the land and be nourished by faith. 4. Delight in the L-rd, and He will grant you the desires of your heart. 5. Cast your needs upon the L-rd; rely on Him, and He will take care. 6. He will reveal your righteousness like the light, your justness like the high noon. 7. Depend on the L-rd and hope in Him. Compete not with the prosperous, with the man who invents evil schemes. 8. Let go of anger, abandon rage; do not compete with [one who intends] only to harm. 9. For the evildoers will be cut down; but those who hope in the Lord, they will inherit the earth. 10. For soon the wicked one will not be; you will gaze at his place and he will be gone. 11. But the humble shall inherit the earth, and delight in abundant peace. 12. The wicked one plots against the righteous, and gnashes his teeth at him. 13. My Lord laughs at him, for He sees that his day will come. 14. The wicked have drawn a sword and bent their bow to fell the poor and destitute, to slaughter those of upright ways. 15. But their sword shall enter their own hearts, and their bows shall break. 16. Better the little of the righteous, than the abundant wealth of the wicked. 17. For the strength of the wicked will be broken, but the L-rd supports the righteous. 18. The L-rd appreciates the days of the innocent; their inheritance will last forever. 19. They will not be shamed in times of calamity, and in days of famine they will be satisfied. 20. For the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the L-rd are as fattened sheep: consumed, consumed in smoke. 21. The wicked man borrows and does not repay; but the righteous man is gracious and gives. 22. For those blessed by Him will inherit the earth, and those cursed by Him will be cut off. 23. The steps of man are directed by G-d; He desires his way. 24. When he totters he shall not be thrown down, for the L-rd supports his hand. 25. I have been a youth, I have also aged; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his offspring begging bread. 26. All day he is kind and lends; his offspring are a blessing. 27. Turn away from evil and do good, and you will dwell [in peace] forever. 28. For the L-rd loves justice, he will not abandon his pious ones-they are protected forever; but the offspring of the wicked are cut off. 29. The righteous shall inherit the earth and dwell upon it forever. 30. The mouth of the righteous one utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice. 31. The Torah of his G-d is in his heart; his steps shall not falter. 32. The wicked one watches for the righteous man, and seeks to kill him. 33. But the L-rd will not abandon him in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged. 34. Hope in the L-rd and keep His way; then He will raise you high to inherit the earth. When the wicked are cut off, you shall see it. 35. I saw a powerful wicked man, well-rooted like a vibrant, native tree. 36. Yet he vanished, behold he was gone; I searched for him, but he could not be found. 37. Watch the innocent, and observe the upright, for the future of such a man is peace. 38. But sinners shall be destroyed together; the future of the wicked is cut off. 39. The deliverance of the righteous is from the L-rd; He is their strength in time of distress. 40. The L-rd helps them and delivers them; He delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they have put their trust in Him.


[deleted]  Feb 14, 2008 • 11:02:08am
Ma Sands  Feb 14, 2008 • 11:16:04am


bald headed geek  Feb 14, 2008 • 11:40:49am

Still waiting for the first Jewish rioters. Someone let me know when that happens.


muman  Feb 14, 2008 • 12:06:11pm

Ma Sands,

Tehillim is what we call the Book of Psalms of David. I find time to read from this book every day. I have faith we will regain the entire land of Israel, but we are in dark times. The darkest time is usually just before the dawn. I do believe we are feeling the ‘birth pangs of Moshiach’. So much of the prophecies describing it have come to pass. And these prophecies include the decline which we are observing.

[deleted]  Feb 14, 2008 • 12:30:34pm
[deleted]  Feb 14, 2008 • 12:57:19pm
[deleted]  Feb 14, 2008 • 12:59:11pm
Ma Sands  Feb 14, 2008 • 4:46:55pm


konservo  Feb 14, 2008 • 5:57:00pm
1. By David. Do not compete with the wicked; do not envy doers of injustice. 2. For like grass they will be swiftly cut down; like green vegetation they will wither.

Those words show a tremendous amount of restraint and faith. I like it.

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